Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring is here and the beds are almost done!

Zach has started to make the cedar raised beds for the vegetable garden. He did an awesome job!!! Now, we need to level the ground and get the soil. It won't be long before we can plant:)

Here are some other pics of the flower beds.

To Seeds, Soil, and Hope!

Yours Truly,


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Composting: Green vs. Brown

What would a garden be without composting? Some call it black gold for the garden. With the last frost right around the corner, it is something to think about. Many websites discuss this topic at length and suggest a healthy ratio of "brown" and "green" materials for a thriving compost pile. Supposedly, the brown items must significantly outweigh the green items. So it begs the questions of what materials qualify as brown. I found a site that breaks it down for us. Check out Specifically this topic on Green Versus Brown Compost Materials

Happy Composting!!!